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1.     Pharmaceutical Online

2.     Pharmweb

3.     Chemical Week

4.     Chem Connect

5.     Chemical Online

6.     Pharmaceutical Trade

7.     Pharmaceutical Search

8.     Chemical Information

9.     Pharmaceutical Information

10.   Chemical Export

11.   AldrichimicaActa

12.   ChemicalProcessing The Chemical Industry Magazine

13.   AustralianJournal of Chemistry

14.   BioChemistryon-line

15.   Biotech BiblioNet

16.   Chemistry & Industry

17.   Bild der WissenschaftA German Science magazine

18.   HYLE- An Int'l Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry

19.   Bulletinof the Czech Chemical Society

20.   BT Catalyst

21.   Boletim daSociedade Portuguesa de Quimica

22.   ChemicalWeb Marketing & Technology

23.   CSCatalyst for Chemists with Computers

24.   Chemistry Today

25.   Ci & ecirc; ncia HojeBrazilian Science Magazine

26.   Trends inAnalytical Chemistry, Internet Column.

27.   Issues inScience & Technology Librarianship

28.   ElementalDiscoveries For recent happenings

29.   HMSbeagle A good science magazine

30.   Journal of VacuumScience and Technology B

31.   Protein Science

32.   Journalof Molecular Medicine

33.   Journalof the Brazilian Chemical Society

34.   Journal of VacuumScience and Technology

35.   MolecularVision

36.   Mosaic MagazineSci articles archive 1970 to 1992

37.   MRS Internet Journalof Nitride Semiconesearch

38.   Network Science

39.   The InternetJournal of Science

40.   The Alchemist

41.   TheScientist

42.   TMMeC Web Journal

43.   Waveof the Future For peer review of manuscripts

Accounts of Chemical Research For guests the ToC.

Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography

Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science

Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure

Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography

Advanced Materials

Advances in Colloid and Interface Science

Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry ToCs since 1946!

American Society for BioChemistry and Molecular Biology bimonthly publication.

American Society of Micro Biology News

Analytica Chimica Acta

Analytical Biochemistry

Analytical Communications

Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English

Annual Reports

Anti-Cancer Drug Design

Applied Catalysis A: General

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental

Applied Geochemistry

Applied Spectroscopy Journal This site will only give you the titles of articles published since 1994.

Applied Surface Science

Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics

Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics

Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications

Biochemical & Molecular Medicine

Biochemical Society Transactions

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International

Biochemistry Reviews


Bioconjugate Chemistry

Bioessays Allows you to see the ToC and abstracts of the articles 6 weeks prior to publishing.

Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters

Bioorganic Chemistry

Biophysical Chemistry

Biophysical Journal Search TOC and Abstracts since 1995.

Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry

British Medical Journal Shows a synopsis of the research articles (including design, conclusion etc..)

Bulletin de la Société Chimique de France

Canadian Journal of Chemistry

Carbohydrate Polymers

Carbohydrate Research


Catalysis Today

Chemical Communications

Chemical Engineering & Technology

Chemical Health & Safety

Chemical Industries Newsletter a publication provided by the Chemical Business Research Div. at SRI.

Chemical Physics (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Chemical Physics

Chemical Physics Letters

Chemical Research in Toxicology

Chemical Reviews For guests the ToC and, for subscribers, the abstracts and supplementary information.

Chemical Senses

Chemical Sensors

Chemical Society Reviews

Chemicke Listy Official journal of the Czech Chemical Society. Contains just prepublished abstracts.

Chemie Ingenieur Technik

Chemie Technik Online

Chemische Berichte / Recueil Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry - A European Journal .

Chemistry - A European Journal

Chemistry and Life Just ToC

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids

Chemistry Letters

Chemistry of Materials

Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems


Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering

Chromatography Pipeline

Clinical Biochemistry

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications Just the abstracts

Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology

Comparative BioChemistry and Physiology: A-Comparative Physiology Just ToC

Comparative BioChemistry and Physiology: B-BioChemistry and Molecular Biology

Comparative BioChemistry and Physiology: C-Toxicology and Endocrinology

Computers and Chemistry

Concepts in Magnetic Resonance

Contemporary Organic Synthesis

Coordination Chemistry Reviews

Croatica Chemica Acta

Crystal Research and Technology Interesting HTML layout on HomePage. Only has ToC

Dalton Transactions

Dyes and Pigments

Education in Chemistry Just contents of latest issue

Electrochimica Acta

Electronic Protein Science Allows you to browse through ToC and abstracts.

EMBO Journal The ToC's and abstracts are on-line.

Energy and Fuels

European Journal of Biochemistry

European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

European Mass Spectrometry Journal

European Polymer Journal

Faraday Transactions

FEBS Letters

FocusWeb Science Magazine with just a short synopsis of upcoming articles.

Food Chemistry

Journal of Analytical Chemistry


Fullerenes Alert


Histochemistry and Cell Biology

Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Inorganica Chimica Acta

Inorganic Chemistry just ToC


International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives

International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes

International Journal of Pharmaceutics

International Journal of Peptide & Protein Research

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique

Journal of AOAC International

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Search the ToC and abstracts for non members.

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy

Journal of Applied Crystallography

Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods

Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry

Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics contains abstracts of articles beginning with volume 13.

Journal of Catalysis

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Journal of Chemical Crystallography ToC until June 1996. Load without graphics.112K graphic onfront page!

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan Probably a 'collectors item', only Volume 28 (1995) is online.

Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences

Journal of Chemical Physics Just ToC

Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics ToC for guests, more for subscribers

Journal of Chemistry of Plant Raw Material For those who can read and display Russian characters.

Journal of Chromatography A

Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Applications

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Journal of Computational Chemistry

Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design Just ToC and abstracts

Journal of Crystal Growth

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry

Journal of High Resolution Chromatography Current contents and preview service (summary only)

Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry

Journal of Materials Chemistry

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry For guests the ToC, for subscribers, abstracts n supplementary information.

Journal of Membrane Science

Journal of Microcolumn Separations

Journal of Molecular Biology

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical

Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic

Journal of Molecular Graphics

Journal of Molecular Liquids

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy

Journal of Molecular Structure

Journal of Molecular Structure : TheoChem

Journal of Natural Products

Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy

Journal of Organic Chemistry Electronic Supporting Information

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

Journal of Polymer Science A: Polymer Chemistry

Journal of Polymer Science B: Polymer Physics

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of The Electrochemical Society ToC since 1989

Journal of the National Cancer Institute Has news and abstracts of the six most recent editions.

Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society Table of Contents as a GIF file.

Langmuir Only TOC of current issue

Liebigs Annalen - Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry - A European Journal

Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Current contents and preview service (summary only)

Macromolecular Rapid Communications Current contents and preview service (summary only)

Macromolecular Symposia Current content only

Macromolecular Theory and Simulations Current contents and preview service (summary only)

Marine Chemistry

MATCH - communications in mathematical chemistry Has only abstracts n how to obtain the paper edition.

Materials Chemistry and Physics

Materials Research Bulletin

Materials Science Reviews

MCLC Communications Has abstracts of articles as well as references

Mendeleev Chemistry Journal Just the abstracts of articles.

Mendeleev Communications

Microporous Materials

Microchemical Journal ToC for Guests

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Has abstracts of articles as well as references

Molecular Medicine Contains only the ToC of the paper edition.

Online Journal

1.     American Scientist Many complete articles, not all

2.     Analytical Chemistry One complete article per issue

3.     Annals of Improbable Research (Hot AIR)

4.     Asian Chemical News highlights.

5.     Asia Pacific Chemicals highlights.

6.     Biochemical Journal Online

7.     BiochemistryFree for (Internet) subscribers. Non-subscribers only get the contents.

8.     Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Complete articles only with password

9.     Carbohydrate Letters Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

10.   Catalysis Letters Complete articles for subscribers. Abstracts for guests

11.   CelluloseComplete online journal for members, otherwise abstracts.

12.   Chemical Engineering Communications Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

13.   Chemical Engineering magazineSelected highlights from current issue

14.   Chemical & Engineering News. One complete article per issue.

15.   Chemical Educator Three months free trial

16.   Chemical Health & Safety One complete article per issue

17.   Chemical Insight A subscription is required for all articles.

18.   Chemical Week Magazine Only has daily headlines and previews of the current issue

19.   Chemistry & Biology Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

20.   Chemistry and Ecology Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

21.   CHEMTECH One complete article per issue

22.   Combustion Science and Technology Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

23.   Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry Already has a lot of complete articles.  

24.   Current Opinion in Chemical Biology Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

25.   Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

26.   Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

27.   Discover Magazine Perhaps not a complete chemistry magazine, it has some complete on-line articles.

28.   Electronic Journal of Theoretical Chemistry: Structure and Interactions a rigorous peer-review journal

29.   Environmental Science & Technology Free for subscribers. Non-subscribers only get the contents.

30.   European Chemical News highlights. A subscription is required for all articles.

31.   Free Radical Research Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

32.   Glycoconjugate Journal Some free sample issues, rest is available online to subscribers

33.   Histochemical Journal Some free sample issues, rest is available online to subscribers

34.   Human Molecular Genetics (UK) Table of Contents and one complete issue. Subscription is available.

35.   International Journal of Cosmetic Science Some free sample issues, rest is available online to subscribers

36.   International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization Need a password to get full text.

37.   International Journal of Polymeric Materials Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

38.   International Reviews in Physical Chemistry The full text is only available to subscribers.

39.   Isolation and Purification Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

40.   Japan Chemical Week Text of selected articles only

41.   Journal of Adhesion Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

42.   Journal of Applied Electrochemistry Some free sample issues, rest is available online to subscribers

43.   Journal of Biochemical ToxicologyPresently in a pilot phase.

44.   Journal of Biochemistry Published monthly by the Japanese Biochemical Society

45.   Journal of Biological Chemistry Complete Journal, but requires payment for subscription. Abstracts are free.

46.   Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Presently in a pilot.

47.   Journal of Chemical Education Contains some complete articles, the rest are just abstracts.

48.   Journal of Chemical Physics Express Only includes full text of articles before they are printed

49.   Journal of Computational Chemistry Presently in a pilot phase.

50.   Journal of Coordination Chemistry Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

51.   Journal of Mathematical Chemistry Complete article for subscribers

52.   Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design Abstracts. Full articles for subscribers.

53.   Journal of Materials Science Some free sample issues, rest is available online to subscribers

54.   Journal of Materials Science Letters Some free sample issues, rest is available online to subscribers

55.   Journal of Molecular Modeling Allows you to read the abstracts, but to get more, you need to pay.

56.   Journal of Organic Chemistry Complete access with subscription.

57.   Journal of Physical Chemistry The ACS journal. Free for subscribers

58.   Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry Presently in a pilot.

59.   Journal of the American Chemical Society Complete access with subscription.

60.   Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry has about 5 complete articles.

61.   La Recherche The premier magazine of scientific and technical information in France.

62.   Life Chemistry Reports: International Journal of Chronobiology Need a password to get full text.

63.   Macromolecules

64.   Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Presently in a pilot phase.

65.   Markov Chain Monte Carlo preprint services Complete articles to be published

66.   Medical Science Research Has lots of biochemistry articles despite its title. Some free sample issues.

67.   Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

68.   Molecular Materials Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

69.   Molecular Simulation Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

70.   Molecules; Journal of organic synthesis A complete journal that allows subscribers to download the articles.

71.   Nandini Chemical Journal A monthly publication for/from the Indian Chemical Industry.

72.   Nucleic Acids Research Current subscribers to the paper edition have complete access.

73.   Performance Chemicals International highlights. A subscription is required for all articles.

74.   Phase Transition: A Multinational Journal Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

75.   Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements Need a password to get full text.

76.   Physics and Chemistry of Liquids Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

77.   Physics Uspekhi Full text for major articles about current topical problems in physics.

78.   Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

79.   Popular Science only provides highlights

80.   Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

81.   Review of Scientific Instruments Complete articles for subscribers

82.   Scientific American includes table of contents and selected articles.

83.   Spektrum der Wissenschaft Has some complete articles. All in German.

84.   Structure Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

85.   Tetrahedron Information System A free trial is possible and you can find full text of publications.

86.   Todays Chemist at Work One complete article per issue

87.   Topics in Catalysis Complete articles available for subscribers

88.   Toxicology & Environmental Chemistry Need a password to get full text. Abstracts are available.

89.   Transition Metal Chemistry Complete online journal for members, otherwise abstracts.

90.   Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk Archive Full text for major articles about current topical problems in physics.



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